December Feature Update

We strive to continuously improve our service and bring you the best EPSO test preparation tool on the market. That is why we are happy to announce that we have added three new functions to our testing environment.

  1. Graph: After each test the test summary chart will now also show the percentage of other users that answered the question correct. The height of the bars illustrates the time you and other users spent on the question. The new graph helps you quickly spot the questions you answered incorrectly but also questions where you spent too much time compared to other users.

  2. Chat: We want to hear from you and your opinions about our service. Do you have any questions or simply want to give us some feedback but don’t want to use email? Log into your account and simply click the chat icon to start chatting with us in real-time. You can also send us a message on our Facebook page

  3. Question feedback: If you have any queries regarding a specific question or explanation you can use the feedback function in the test summary to report any potential issues.